Bottle gourd has 90% water content,So it is easy to digest.At the same time it has 0 % fat value,so it is good for health also.The water content will help to reduce the bad cholesterol.But kids hates this to eat directly,even me also.So that i tried this vada recipe.It was came out very well also it gave different taste.So i hope everyone try this in your home.
Ingredients needed
- Bottle gourd/suraikai - 1 no
- Corn flour - 1/2 cup
- Rice flour - 1/2 cup
- Green chilies - 2
- salt - as needed
- First wash the bottle gourd completely.I didn't peel out ,but if you want can do it.
- Grated the bottle gourd,and add some salt then mix well.Keep aside for at least for 10 minuets, so that it will leave the water. After 10 minuets,remove the excess water.
- Now add the flour on the same amount and chopped green chilies, and mix well.Test that it will come to make a vadai , otherwise adjust the quantity of flour.
- Now heat oil in a pan,once oil heat make the vadai.Fry them until the color changed to brown.
- Now serve hot and enjoy with sauces.
- Add some chopped onions also,it will give crispiness.
- If you don't have corn flour, don't worry increase the rice flour quantity it also come very well.
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